Writing in strange places

Patricia Ann McNair holds some measure of responsibility for the fact that I still write stuff. I’m not sure that she deserves praise or derision for this dubious honor. But in all truth, she’s the sort of selfless writer who can be a mentor, friend and teacher, all the while passionately pursuing her own craft.

Her book Temple of Air is coming out this fall.

She was also recently kind enough to include me in her blog series, Views from the Keyboard.

Published by David

Writer (Vintage), filmmaker (Three Days of Glory and Saving Atlantis), bookreader.

One thought on “Writing in strange places

  1. Hey, David, thanks for the plug and the kind words. Thanks, too, for your lovely piece for my blog. It still gets hits regularly, and is one of the pieces most commented on. I was really pleased to find Edward Abbey’s photo up there in his tower, writing away like you had the chance to do as well. Best to you, friend.


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